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Ar Cànan ‘s Ar Ceòl | Our Language Our Music

14 Oct 2023 - 19:30

Ar Cànan ‘s Ar Ceòl | Our Language Our Music

An unforgettable night of traditional music and Gaelic culture with talent from Renfrewshire and beyond. Join us for a showcase of local talent that includes young musicians from Fèis Phàislig and the Renfrewshire Schools Pipe Band. The Glasgow Gaelic Association will feature alongside some of Scotland’s finest Gaelic singers - Ainsley Hamill, Ceitlin Lilidh and Joy Dunlop. There will be performances from the Kilbarchan Pipe Band as well as Jenna Reid & Harris Playfair. With a few surprises along the way, you won’t want to miss this high-quality night of music and song.

Oidhche air leth de cheòl traidiseanta agus cultar Gàidhlig le tàlant gu leòr bho Shiorrachd Rinn Friù. Thigibh còmhla rinn airson taisbeanadh de thàlant ionadail le òigridh bho Fèis Phàislig agus còmhlan-pìoba sgoiltean Rinn Friù. Bidh Ceòlraidh Ghàidhlig Ghlaschu a’ seinn còmhla ri cuid de na seinneadairean Gàidhlig as cliùitiche ann an Alba – Ainsley Hamill, Ceitlin Lilidh agus Joy Dunlop. Bidh Kilbarchan Pipe Band, Jenna Reid & Harris Playfair a' nochdadh mar phàirt den chuirm seo. Le mòran ri chluinntinn, cha bhi sibh airson an oidhche chliùiteach seo de cheòl is òrain a chall.

*Please contact OneRen Box Office if you require a wheelchair accessible space or if you have any other specific access needs for your attendance at this event: Tel: 0300 300 1210

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