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Cuirm Fosglaidh a' Mhòid 2023 | Breabach: Mòd 2023 Opening Concert

13 Oct 2023 - 19:30

Cuirm Fosglaidh a' Mhòid 2023 | Breabach: Mòd 2023 Opening Concert

A special concert headlined by one of Scotland’s most skilled and imaginative contemporary acts. Breabach are current MG ALBA Scots Trad Music Awards Folk Band of the Year, and will open The Royal National Mòd in Paisley in style. 
Cuirm-chiùil le cuid de na cliuchaidearan ’s cliùitiche an Alba. ’S e Breabach, Còmhlan Dùthchasach na Bliadhna aig Duaisean Ciùil Traidiseanta MG ALBA, a dh’fhosglas am Mòd Nàiseanta Rìoghail ann am Pàislig.
*Please contact OneRen Box Office if you require a wheelchair accessible space or if you have any other specific access needs for your attendance at this event: Tel: 0300 300 1210

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