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The Frances Tolmie Collection Concert by Kenna Campbell and Ainsley Hamill

17 Oct 2023 - 20:00

The Frances Tolmie Collection Concert by Kenna Campbell and Ainsley Hamill

Join Ainsley Hamill, Ceitlin Lilidh, Mischa Macpherson, Màiri Callan, James Graham, Rachel Walker, Mary Ann Kennedy, Wilma Kennedy, Seumas Campbell and Kenna Campbell in a newly created show to launch the reworked Gaelic song collection of Frances Tolmie: Gun Sireadh Gun Iarraidh. Throughout many years teaching at The Royal Conservatoire of Scotland, Kenna Campbell has passed this collection to her students. Listen to songs from the collection accompanied by a Scottish folk all-star house band from the reworked Gaelic song collection edited by Kenna Campbell & Ainsley Hamill.

Thigibh còmhla ri Ainsley Hamill, Ceitlin Lilidh, Mischa Nic a’ Phearsain, Màiri Callan, Seumas Greumach, Raonaid Walker, Màiri Anna NicUalraig, Wilma Cheanadach, Seumas Caimbeul agus Ceana Chaimbeul ann an cuirm a chaidh a chruthachadh às ùr gus cruinneachadh òrain Ghàidhlig ath-obraichte Frances Tolmie: Gun Sireadh Gun Iarraidh fhoillseachadh. Fad iomadh bliadhna a’ teagasg aig Conservatoire Rìoghail na h-Alba, tha Ceana Chaimbeul air an cruinneachadh seo a thoirt do na h-oileanaich aice. Cluinnibh òrain bhon chruinneachadh còmhla ri còmhlan-taighe Albannach làn-rionnag bhon chruinneachadh òrain Ghàidhlig a chaidh ath-obrachadh le Ceana Chaimbeul & Ainsley Hamill.

*Please contact OneRen Box Office if you require a wheelchair accessible space or if you have any other specific access needs for your attendance at this event: Tel: 0300 300 1210

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