Joining the rich lineage of musicians who have come out of the historic town of Paisley, DRIFT are an electronic duo who merge the folk influences of songwriter Linzi Clark and the electronic stylings of producer Andrew Quinn.
A mix of fate and common interest brought the pair together back in 2018, a shared affinity for disco and 80s dance a key starting point for their sonic relationship to blossom. Having pursued different paths in music up until that point, Andrew a music and technology teacher and part-time DJ/producer and Linzi a songwriting Masters student and seasoned solo acoustic performer, they discovered an immediate chemistry that just had to be explored further. Since then, the pair have successfully carved out their own unique space in Scotland’s music scene, combining Linzi’s love for lyrics and melody with Andrew’s carefully trained skill for musical arrangement to craft a sound that is deeply atmospheric as it is wholly intoxicating.
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