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Friog-frag Pàislig | Paisley Patter

19 Oct 2023 - 20:30

Friog-frag Pàislig | Paisley Patter

Oidhche sgraids le Martin O’Connor, neach-ealain a tha co-cheangailte le GUIR! le bàrdachd agus òrain Ghàidhlig ann an cànanan na h-Alba, sean is ùr. Le cleasaichean Gàidhlig a’ tighinn còmhla rinn air a’ thimcheallan de leasachadh cànain – cuin a bhios sinn a’ dol air air no a’ tighinn dheth no a bheil sinn dìreach a’ cumail oirnn a’ dol mun cuairt? Sùil èibhinn air ar guthan agus ar faclan fhèin, air a rannsachadh tro litrichean labhairt gu Pàislig agus Glaschu.

A one-off scratch night by GUIR! associated artist Martin O’Connor with spoken word and Gaelic song in the languages of Scotland, old and new.  With guest Gaelic performers joining us on the merry-go-round of language and language evolution – when do we step on and when do we step off or do we just keep spinning? A humorous look at our own voices and words, explored through spoken letters to Paisley and Glasgow.

*Seating for this event is unreserved. Please note, Wheelchair accessible spaces are not available to book online. Please email or call the box office for assistance: Tel: 0300 300 1210*

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