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Fàilte Gu BSL | Welcome to BSL by Evie Waddell

20 Oct 2023 - 19:00

Fàilte Gu BSL | Welcome to BSL by Evie Waddell

Evie Waddell is a Gaelic speaker, d/Deaf and a musician. Experiences of creative and political connection through isolation are at the core of this vibrant show. By using traditional songs and stories, sign and dance, the cast explores opportunities for d/Deaf people to own Scottish culture and the relationships between Gaelic and BSL, using collaborative performance to amplify the importance of each unique ‘cultural voice’.  The performance is preceded by a joyful, celebratory dance, language and song workshop led by Evie Waddell from 16.30 - 17.30. Booking for the workshop via:

Tha Gàidhlig aig Evie Waddell, tha i Bodhar agus na neach-ciùil. Tha eòlas air ceangal cruthachail agus poilitigeach tro aonaranachd aig cridhe an taisbeanaidh bheothail seo. Le bhith a’ cleachdadh òrain is sgeulachdan traidiseanta, soidhne agus dannsa, bidh an sgioba a’ rannsachadh chothroman do dhaoine Bodhar a bhith a’ sealbhachadh cultar Albannach agus na dàimhean eadar a’ Ghàidhlig agus BSL, a’ cleachdadh cleasachd còmhla gus cudrom a thoirt air gach ‘guth cultarail’ sònraichte. Bùth-obrach ron taisbeanadh a tha ri fhaighinn tro EventBrite 17.00 - 18.00 (30 àite a’ gabhail a-steach clann)
*Please note - Seating for this event is unreserved Please contact OneRen Box Office if you require a wheelchair accessible space or if you have any other specific access needs for your attendance at this event: Tel: 0300 300 1210

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