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Farpais Ullachaidh Cogadh nan Còmhlan | Battle of the Bands Heats

16 Oct 2023 - 19:00

Farpais Ullachaidh Cogadh nan Còmhlan | Battle of the Bands Heats

Farpais a tha a' taisbeanadh an tàlant ùr ann an saoghal na Gàidhlig agus ceòl traidiseanta. Gheibh an còmhlan a bhuannaicheas cothrom clàraidh còmhla ri stiùidio JJ Recordings, Pàislig.

A competition showcasing the emerging talent on the Gaelic and traditional music scene. The winning band will receive a prize of studio time with JJ Recordings Studio, Paisley.

This event takes place at:

Hope Church

Gordon Street, Paisley PA1 1XL

*Please note, Wheelchair accessible spaces are not available to book online. Please email or call the box office for assistance: Tel: 0300 300 1210*

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